Nuclear and Particle Physics Colloquium 134
Place: Shahe Campus C827
Time:10:00, June. 27, 2024
Title: Chirality, wobbling and oblate rotation
Speaker: C. M. Petrache, Full professor at the University Paris Saclay, France
The breaking of symmetries in quantum systems is one of the key issues in nuclear physics. In particular, the spontaneous symmetry breaking in rotating nuclei leads to exotic collective modes, like the chiral and wobbling motions, which have been intensively studied in recent years. These recent experimental results and their interpretation will be presented. Another topic of current interest is the existence of collective oblate shapes and their type of motion. Solid evidence of bands built on oblate shapes close to the ground state in 119Cs, and at very high spin in 137Nd has been recently published. These experimental results and their interpretation will be discussed.
Membership, Scientific societies
? Member of the editorial board of Physica Scripta, Frontiers, Symmetry
About speaker:
C. M. Petrache, full professor at the University Paris Saclay, France.
? Nuclear spectroscopy of nuclei far from the valley of stability.
? Nuclear structure in extreme conditions (high spins and large deformations).
? Exotic shapes and excitation modes.
? Symmetries in nuclei.
? Design and construction of nuclear instrumentation: neutron detectors, recoil mass spectrometers, segmented semiconductor detectors.
? Physics applied to art and archaeology, and to medical imaging
Publications, talks and seminars
? 367 articles in peer-reviewed journals.
? > 5700 citations.
? 74 invited talks at international conferences.
? 59 seminars.