The Academy of Europe recently unveiled the list of members elected in 2018. Meng Jie, a professor at Peking University, was elected as the foreign member of the Department of Physics and Engineering of The Academy of Europe. Professor Meng Jie is also appointed as the supervisor of doctoral students and the founding dean of the School of Physics of Beihang university.
Established in London, Britain, The Academy of Europe, also Academia Europaea, is the largest international scientific organization advocated by many European scientific ministers and jointly founded by high-level governmental academies including the Royal Society. It is one of the most prestigious and influential scientific organizations across the world which covers the full range of academic disciplines, such as humanities, social science, natural science and scientific technology. Now more than 20 Chinese scholars have been elected as members of The Academy of Europe.

Professor Meng Jie has made creative progress in the chiral symmetry, halo-like phenomena, pseudospin symmetry and covariant density functional theory of the nucleus and promoted the advanced experimental research worldwide in high-precision measurement of the nuclear mass and search for chiral nucleus. Until now, Professor Meng Jie has published 400-odd academic papers which has been cited over 10 thousand times and his H-index is 53. Among those highly-cited papers, 19 papers have been cited over 100 times. Professor Meng Jie is the first Cheung Kong Chair Professor in Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics appointed by the Ministry of Education of the PRC and the winner of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars in 2000. He also once won the first prize of Natural Science in Chinese Universities in 2000 and 2013 respectively, the Wu Youxun Prize of Physics in 2007, the Khwarizmi International Award in 2008, AAA Robert T Prize in 2009 and Genco Award in 2010. Furthermore, Professor Meng Jie was elected as a member of the American Physical Society (APS).