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完美体育:Stellar Vision Awards Ceremony 2018 Held

Time:December 29, 2018   Browse:

On December 22, Stellar Vision Awards Ceremony 2018 was hosted by the School of Physics and jointly organized by the Committee of the Communist Youth League, Students’ Association and Postgraduate Students’ Association on Shahe campus at 14:00 pm.

The ceremony kicked off with an opening video, and graduates’ dancing performance enlivened the atmosphere of the scene, with the audience waving glow sticks at the Yongman Theater. Then, four hosts announced the opening of the ceremony which was not only to take on well-prepared performances, but also to honor teachers who have made outstanding contributions.

Lucky draws and handpicked gifts were also available to the audience.

During the ceremony, many outstanding teachers werecrownedQiulan Award, Wangshu Award, Danling Award, Duheng Award and Biluo Award with their high responsibility and dedication. Star-named awards namely, Xinyue Award, Alkaid Award, Yuheng Award and Tianying Award, also were crowned to students who are outstanding in academic performance,personal qualities and student work.

The ceremony climaxed with sensational and various performances including solos and chorus: Solitary Photon, Time, The Road to Mediocre Life, The Rose, etc. Postgraduates impressed the audience with their good appearances and brilliant dances entitled Idol DES Dance while tutors and undergraduates also received waves of applause with dances, such as Love Circulation. In the beautiful melody of piano solo, the ceremony came to a successful ending.

Qiulan Award

Orchids grow in the wooded valley, and it is still aromatic despite having no people to appreciate it. A gentleman cultivates his character and won’t change his mind comes what may.

Winners of the award: Man Xingkun, Deng Shenghua

Wangshu Award

There is a long way in pursuing knowledge and you not only respect predecessors but also care for us all.

Winners of the award: Jin Shuo, Wang Cong

Danling Award

Peaches are blossom in the sunshine while willow branches sweep the ground. You are warm like sunshine and get along well with all students.

Winners of the award: Wu Jian, Zhang Gaolong

Duheng Award

You, like Duheng, are knowledgeable and impart all your learning to students.

Biluo Award

You, like Biluo, are open in mind and cultivate many talents serving the nation.

Winners of the award: Geng Lisheng, Yue Xiaoyun

Xinyue Award

Working hard and keeping humble are the key to their leaning. Youngsters should remain true to their missions in the road of pursuing scientific goals.

Winners of the award:Zhu Jiaxiao, Duan Yitong, Meng Ziyuan, Huang Qingjiao.

Alkaid Award

Alkaid crossed the sandfield without smoke, and gently scattered it on the shoulders of the competition. Contestants work hard and face the challenge to secure the crown.

Winners of the award: Zhang Zhiyuan, Mao Yue, Ma Yingyou, Jia Sen.

Yuheng Award

There are such responsible and dedicated student workers, who are leading all students to be better and stronger.

Winners of the award: Jiang Zechao, Wang Ben, Wu Yansong, Xi Yilian.

Tianying Award

There are students who enjoy the art and sports making their routine life more colorful.

Winners of the award: Liu Xinyang, Ben Di,Mier Zhati, Wang Ke.

Tianshu Award

There are some people, who are like our friends and teachers, always bringing us much joy and moving moments.

Winners of the award: Zhao Wenxin, Wang Xin, He Zhenyu, Hu Yukun.

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